Friday 20 September 2013

Just say Y-E-S!

Living with anxiety and panic attacks is something I wouldn't even wish on to my worst enemy. Not being able to go out with your friends or go to a party or even leave for school without feeling like your stomach is going to explode is the worst. 'Anxiety' is such a thrown around term that not everybody takes it too seriously. I mean everybody gets worried from time to time, everybody gets a little nervous right? But suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks is something completely different. 

Like I said before everyone gets nervous whether it's before a performance or starting a new school we all get a bit of a wobbly tummy and in five minutes it's all hunky dory. However many people describe an anxiety attack as the worst physical and emotional experience they've had and I know for sure that I agree with this. Anxiety can stem from just about anything; A personal example would be going to a big party with lots of people and lots of alcohol. (Even thinking about that gives me the shivers) Another example of mine is trying to catch the bus to college on my own - My brain is telling my body that it's just not going to happen, and that's generally how all of this comes about.

Your brain sends messages to the rest of your body telling it that there is some sort of impending unrealistic danger and you shouldn't be there. This is whats known as a 'Trigger'. A trigger is something that causes your brain to start panicking. It could be be ANYTHING but it's usually a recurring thing. For example every time I step on a train I have to reassure myself that nothing bad is going to happen. Again, this is because your brain recognises that 'Hey, last time we were on a train you had a panic attack which means this train is dangerous and we don't want to be on it!

Next comes the 'Worry' stage. This is when your body goes into a bit of a meltdown and your stomach starts doing flips. It's the gut-wrenching moment when you realise a panic attack is ahead. The best thing you can do when the time comes is just to think positively and JUST SAY YES.
Say yes to whatever you are doing that is giving you this attack and don't back down! Plan out in your head how things are going to run smoothly and how nothing is going to go wrong.

At the time this may seem like one of the hardest things to do but think of the outcome if you back out and don't go ahead with your plans YOU'RE the one whose missing out. You're the one whose going to be more miserable while all your friends are having a good time. If you believe you can overpower it then that's the first step done, it's all about believing in yourself.

It does get better.. this time last year I barely moved out of my bed and even thinking about going out shopping or for a meal with my family would of frightened me to death. But now look - one year on and i've just recently started college, I took all of my GCSE exams and i'm barely even in. I stil suffer from both severe anxiety and the occasional panic attack but knowing how to battle it is the first step! 

If this has helped even one person that i'll be happy and it will of done it's job.

Don't forget to keep reading and follow me on my twitter - @joemoran_ 
 If you have any problems i'm here to listen! x

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